Basic Git Flow in DevOps CI-CD!


2 min read

1. Developer Creates Feature Branch: The developer creates a new feature branch and is used to work on a new feature or a specific task.

  1. Developer Writes Code: The developer writes the necessary code for the feature in their local development environment.

3. Developer Commits Changes: Once the developer is satisfied with the changes, they commit the changes to the feature branch in the local Git repository.

4. Developer Creates Pull Request: The developer pushes the committed changes by creating a pull request to merge the feature branch into the main branch.

5. Code Review by Team: The pull request initiates a code review process where team members review the changes.

6. Approval of Pull Request: After addressing any feedback and making necessary adjustments, the pull request is approved by the reviewers.

7. Merge to Main Branch: The approved pull request is merged into the main branch of the Git repository.

8. Triggers CI/CD Pipeline: This automation ensures that the changes are continuously integrated and deployed.

9. Then we follow the procedure for building and testing the code, deploying to staging env. Once the tests in the staging environment pass, manual approval is required to deploy the changes to the production environment. Once the code is deployed to production env, the prod env is monitored using Prometheus to track the performance and health of the application. The collected metrics are visualized using Grafana. Finally, alerts are configured.